chairs redux

We have had these chairs for quite some time. They hang out around our dining room table. And I am always a little (or a lot) embarrassed to have people sit on them. The fabric is dated and stained. Oh, it hasn’t been pretty.

one of the offending chairs

Re-covering those chairs has been on my to-do list for a long time. I finally found some fabric I liked, grabbed a staple gun, a pair of pliers, and some scissors, and went to work.


Twenty minutes later, okay – 30 minutes later since I had to stop every couple minutes to chase my three chickens off the deck, I had newly recovered chairs.


It was even easier than I had thought. It was a simple unscrewing of the seat off the base, ripping off the old fabric, using it to cut the new, then stapling it to the base. Reattach, then voilá.

a finished chair

For $10 worth of fabric, I am so very happy with my newly recovered chairs. And, if I get tired of the new fabric, I can easily do it again. Try this at home. I think you’ll like it.

a side-by-side comparison

About monet

photographer, sometimes writer, wife to my best friend, mom to three amazing kids. passionate about supporting public education. and camping. I love camping.
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4 Responses to chairs redux

  1. Dang Amanda says:

    Great fabric choice!

  2. Anna (three birds jewelry) says:

    oh man- my parents had the exact same fabric on their chairs! blast from the past. they look great!

  3. ashley...again says:

    These are gorgeous. I have a set of chairs needing this kind of transformation but I’ve been waiting til the kids are big enough not to destroy the fabric again. But if this is really so easy, no excuses!

  4. monet says:

    Ashley, I completely recommend – it’s super easy.
    Thanks, Amanda!
    Anna, you are not the first person to say that. It must have been *the* hot fabric back in the day.

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